Fascinating: Tour of Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship Crew-Only Areas

by SharonKurheg

Many retail businesses have some sort of “backstage” area that customers, or what have you, aren’t supposed to see. Depending on the business, this is the area where extra inventory is kept, the staff break room and offices are located, etc. It’s usually relatively plain, with little to no decoration, because customers generally aren’t allowed back there, so the business doesn’t have to impress anyone as it does in the main part of the store, where customers are.

Backstage of theme parks

The backstage areas of theme parks are different since they house much more than just inventory. For example, a long time ago, we found a professionally taped video of the “cast member only” area, called the Utilidors, underneath Magic King at Walt Disney World that was shown on a TV show back in the 1980s. These are some other “cast member only” areas around Disney that regular people like you and me usually don’t get to see (unless you’re being evacuated from a ride, like these lucky people).

Backstage of cruise ships

But never mind theme parks…what about cruise ships? I mean, they’re pretty much floating cities, right? So they have a lot of backstage areas we generally don’t get to see. Of course, there are inventory and offices, but you also have the entire area where the ship’s crew has access when they’re not working.

Crew member-only areas of Utopia of the Seas

a cruise ship in the water

Jordan Bauth is a Royal Caribbean figure skater who also happens to have a popular YouTube. Not long ago, she made a video to show the areas that are reserved only for crew members of the cruise line’s newest shop, Utopia of the Seas. Here’s what she said to start:

If you’re new to my channel, I am a professional figure skater and I have been working on cruise ships for the past five years, traveling all over the world. I’m currently working on board the Utopia of the Seas, which is Royal Caribbean’s newest ship. It is an Oasis-class ship and I have been on board for five months now. So I thought it would be fun to give you a little inside scoop on what the crew areas look like on board.

The video:

Bauth confided that as part of the entertainment staff, she’s allowed to access guest areas, as long as she follows the rules.

I just need to be dressed accordingly, have either uniform on or smart casual, formal wear if it’s after 6 p.m. on certain days. So it is really fun to go into guest areas from time to time, but I do spend the majority of my time on board in the crew areas.

Starting from an upper deck, she worked her way down the ship.

The helipad (Deck 7)

So my first crew area I want to share with you is the helipad. On the Oasis class ships, which is what we are on right now, the crew are the only ones who are able to access the helipad. On a smaller class ship such as a Voyager class, which I’ve also worked on, both guests and crew can access this, but the way that this ship is set up, the only way to get there is through crew areas.

She also added:

I really love the helipad. It’s such a nice way to get some fresh air, to get some sunlight on your skin, and it’s a really nice way to watch the ship sail into a port and also sail away from a port. The helipad is also a really good viewing point for seeing the stars at night. Because you’re at sea in the middle of the night and there’s not much light around, it makes for a very good stargazing spot. In order to access the helipad you have to go to deck six crew area and then there is a set of stairs that will take you up. So technically the helipad is, I guess, on deck seven, if you will, but it’s one of my favorite spots to just watch the water and watch a sunset as well.

Crew bar (Outdoors, Deck 6)

Most cruise ships have a bar that’s only accessible to the ship’s crew, and Utopia of the Seas is no exception. Her bar is an outdoor one.


This is where you will find the late-night parties. There’s usually a DJ playing, dancing, there’s a little bit of a dance floor, there’s a bar up there, and then there is obviously tables and chairs where you can sit.

It’s also one of the few places where crew members who smoke can do so.

If you are a smoker, that is where you can go to smoke as a crew member. I don’t smoke so I don’t ever really use that area and I definitely don’t go to the bar often up there just because it is a bit smoky. So that is on the outside but on the inside is what we like to call the crew recreation area. I really like this area. This is a good way to unwind after a long day of work, hang out with friends.

Crew bar (Indoors, Deck 5)

a group of people sitting at tables in a room with blue lights

One deck below that is another bar. This is the crew pub so definitely has a pubby feel. This is typically where I will go to have a drink with friends, hang out. There’s also a few games you can play so you can sit at a table, grab some Jenga, play Jenga while you have a drink. I really like the crew pub, you don’t really feel like you’re on a ship in this area.

Crew disco (Deck 3)

Jumping down to deck three this is where you will find what’s called the crew disco. I really don’t know why they call it that. It is essentially another bar. This isn’t a bar that tends to be open on a regular basis but whenever there are special events hosted by crew welfare this is where they will take place.

Crew mess/Windjammer (Deck 2)

a buffet line with people standing in front of it

The crew mess (sometimes called Crew Windjammer) is where the crew eats their meals.

On some of the smaller ships, you have two different crew messes. You’ve got crew mess and staff mess which are on different decks. On the Oasis class, you have one spot for food which is the crew mess and this crew mess is massive it’s much bigger than the mess you might find on a smaller ship.


This crew mess accommodates all of the crew, which is over 1,200 or 1,300 crew on board, and you can find a lot of different food options. Every once in a while, they do offer a different theme night or they do have food specials at lunchtime. So they’ve had a few times crepe and ice cream day at lunchtime.

Crew cafe (Deck 2)

Just outside of the mess is our crew cafe. This is called Java Cafe. This is where everyone goes to buy a coffee, espresso, latte, you name it.


There’s a really nice coffee machine and this does cost money so you will have to pay but the prices are very affordable for the crew members. They do have alternative milks which is great and they do have a juicer as well so you can have them make you a fresh juice or even a smoothie with protein powder.

Place to buy stuff (Deck 2)

shelves of shelves with products on them

Just attached to Java is what we call Slopchest. This is kind of like a convenience store for us almost like a mini 7-Eleven if you will. There’s not a ton to buy here but if you are in a pinch and you need something kind of urgently this is where you can go. They also sell various snacks, they’ve got chips, they’ve got candy, they’ve got ramen noodles (so much ramen!) and a bunch of various toiletries as well.

Human resources (Deck 2)

Also on deck two is the HR center. This is where you will go for any sort of HR needs that you may have if you need help with a room situation, signing off, or really any other matter that is where you will go. They do have limited hours so they’re open in the morning and then in the afternoon as well. They’re not open 24 hours, you have to go when they’re open but they’re always very friendly there.

Laundry (Deck 1)

Fun fact! Laundry on board is free for crew members (you do have to pay for detergent, though)

Jumping down to deck one, this is where you will find the crew laundry. So, this is a set room and there are so many washer and dryers. This is a very busy spot because people always need to do their laundry of course, so you gotta get lucky with timing or just know when to go when it’s a quieter time throughout the day to do your laundry.

Barber shop & gym (Deck 0)

a gym with exercise equipment

I do think this is really great because there are two chairs set up along with two sinks and a bunch of outlets for the barbers to do their job. All the guys need to get their hair cut very frequently. Their hair grows quite fast, and there are a lot of people who work on the ship that know how to cut hair. So, it’s really nice for them to have a space to do so rather than setting it up just in the hallway next to their cabin.


Also we do have a crew gym….No portholes, there’s no daylight, there’s no windows, nothing. It is quite a big space compared to the smaller ships. The Oasis class crew gym is a pretty good size. Whenever I pass by it’s never very busy, but they’ve got all the equipment that you could need. There are treadmills, there’s ellipticals, rowing machines, bikes, there’s dumbbells, and a bunch of other machinery that you can use.

Sheets, towels, etc.

We’re gonna go one deck lower which is the twin deck and this is where you will find the crew linen.

Laundry is annoying enough on the ship. So, getting to just bring our dirty linen to this specific spot, ask for clean ones, and then that’s it is incredible. It is also free of charge. So, we don’t have to pay to use this. They do have limited hours as well so they’re open in the morning and the afternoon or like early evening I should say.

But, yeah, this is where the crew members will get toilet paper, they’ll get their towels for showering, and all their bedding. You can also rent out a vacuum and cleaning supplies to clean your cabin.

Bauth finished up the video by saying she thought the crew areas on Oasis Class were much better than those on a smaller ship. There are more options and more places to go, so besides being in an area that’s generally more updated, you don’t feel like you only have one place to go outside of your cabin.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary


Starbucks Man October 14, 2024 - 5:53 pm

I believe that with Virgin Voyages the staff are free to use the guest facilities generally, which probably has plusses and minuses for the staff.

SharonKurheg October 14, 2024 - 6:08 pm

That’s true; they are.


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