When traveling outside of your home country, figuring out how much things cost in relation to your currency can be difficult. You need to know the current conversion rate between …
Have you ever done something and it was just one big ol’ disappointment? I know my husband and I have. We even made a list of the 10 most disappointing …
Preparing for an airplane trip can be stressful. There are so many rules to follow when packing and now you’ve waited until the last minute and are scrambling around gathering …
Well, this story is rather…interesting. And for mature audiences. And is NSFW, too. You’ve been warned. If you’re friends with flight staff, you know that they get to deal with …
If you fly with any sort of regularity, chances are you’ve flown through some turbulence. Typically, the pilot will come on the PA system and announce they’re about to experience …
My wife and I occasionally have something to complain about when we stay at hotels. We’ve experienced rooms lacking enough pillows, power outlets, lights, or towels. Then there are the …
The Rudest Cities & States In America, As Ranked By Americans
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIf you’re reading this blog, I’ll assume that you’ve done some traveling in your life. The extent of it may vary from person to person, but I’d guess you’ve been …
When you go to another country, there are things you are going to adore, and other things that, well, maybe not so much. Case in point, when we go to …
No one likes pushy people, but no one likes it when status affects how someone treats others either. So when an entitled woman and a United 1K member have a …
How to Use Positioning Flights for International Award Travel: A Beginner’s Guide
by joehegby joehegWhen it comes to booking international award flights, flexibility is your best friend. And no, we’re not just talking about being flexible with your destination or travel dates. Sometimes, you …