Most people who fly have been the victim of another passenger who’s done something boneheaded. Or rude. Or maybe they were only thinking of themselves and it put others at …
When we travel within the U.S., I don’t give much thought to travel insurance before the trip. I make sure to use a credit card with good travel protections, and …
Tips and TricksTravelTravel TechVideos
Tips for Recognizing Deceptive ATMs Abroad
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWhen we travel internationally, we rarely use cash. There are very few places that are “cash only,” so we use credit cards for virtually all of our expenses, making sure …
You Can Renew Your Passport Online Again, But You Better Be Quick
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegOn June 12th, the State Department began conducting a beta release of their passport renewal system and eligible U.S. citizens can once again renew their passports online. Since the program …
It’s probably just human nature, but there’s something comforting about people with a vast sense of entitlement who get their comeuppance. We’ve written about such situations in the travel world …
People in different countries, as a whole, tend to do things their own way. That mindset helps explain why Americans tend to crowd the airport gate, or why planes in …
- began as a hobby for 2 Swedish aviation experts who wanted to build ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Service-Broadcast) network receivers in Northern and Central Europe. That was in 2006. The …
Every country, of course, has its own rules that need to be followed. You can’t enter these countries if you’ve had a DUI. You’ll be fined if you try to …
I remember when flying was a time to unplug and relax. I used to catch up on some movies or read a book when on a plane, but now I’m …
Strategies for Managing Flight Delays During Florida’s Thunderstorm Season
by joehegby joehegAs residents of Central Florida, we’re acutely aware of summer weather patterns. While the mornings can be pleasant, it isn’t long before the heat and humidity build, eventually resulting in …