Vegas, baby! If you’ve followed this website for any length of time, you may already know that Sharon and I have a love/hate relationship with Las Vegas. And when I …
The first time I ever went to England, back in the 90s, I almost got run over by a car. It was my own fault, of course. We had started …
I just have to ask – what is WRONG with Generation Z? They’ve got TikTok challenges up the ying-yang that are so stupidly dangerous. The “blackout challenge” (a.k.a. “pass-out challenge”) …
Ground Transportation (Bus, Lyft, Subway, Taxi, Train, Uber, etc.)Travel
Uber & Lyft Delay Plans to Leave Minneapolis
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegUber and Lyft had had this oddball “cat and mouse” game with cities and countries for years. They only want their drivers to be seen in a particular way, paid …
Major Backlash Against Woman Who Tattled on Delta Flight Attendants In Bid to Get Skymiles
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThere are a couple of life lessons that most of us learn when we’re pretty young: Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me Look …
Japan was one of the last countries to reopen after the Covid pandemic, in October, 2022. You may recall that people were in the midst of a travel frenzy of …
Does Your Name Translate Into Something Naughty in Another Language?
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegPlanet Earth has over 8 billion inhabitants who speak over 7,000 languages. It probably should be expected that there will be some overlaps when it comes to translation. However while …
Flying first class has always been a “big thing” to a lot of people. And no wonder – at best it gives you the sense of traveling in the lap …
There are three ways to enter the United States of America. You can go by land, air, or by sea. If you have a US passport, the process is straightforward. …
I’ve already admitted that while being up to date with the newest tech, I tend to bring quite outdated items with me when I travel. Whether it’s my decade-old Macbook …