If you don’t fly very often, there will be plenty you see and hear that you might not understand. We’ve gone over some of them in the past: The secret …
Air Travel
Why Do Passengers Board and Disembark on the Left Side of Airplanes?
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegHave you ever noticed that if you have a reservation on a commercial airline, you almost always board and disembark on the plane’s left side? Have you ever wondered why …
As stressful as flying is, the events leading up to flying can be just as bad. You’re packed into an airport with a bunch of people who have no idea …
Texas Airport Becomes 18th to Allow Unticketed People Past TSA Security
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIf you’re old enough to remember the days before 9/11, you’ll know that the TSA security checkpoint wasn’t a “thing.” Back then, everyone went through a metal detector and that …
You can learn a lot about travelers and what they like and dislike, usually through surveys, observation or other types of studies. Other times, you can learn all you need …
No matter what industry you work in, it has its secrets. Supermarkets know how to make it so consumers might not notice a price increase. Retail stores know how to …
Flight attendants have a tough, TOUGH job. Their most important reason for being there is to tell us what to do and to keep us safe in the event of …
The Different Styles of Those Who Recline & Those Who Get Reclined On
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegSitting in a tin can with less and less room with each new configuration of plane means that personal space is a precious commodity. Reclining seats “behind the curtain” of …
Deciphering Your Boarding Pass: What Do All Those Letters & Numbers Mean?
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIf you look at your boarding pass, there are some things that are obvious. Your name. The date. The airline you’re using. Your departure and arrival information. Where you’re supposed …
Regardless of your job, there are undoubtedly little white lies you tell here and there. When I worked in retail in high school, I may or may not have told …