When you think about all the plane accidents that’ve happened in the past couple of months, it’s, well, kind of scary. I mean, as of late last week, there have …
airline industry
YOWSA! How Far the CEO of Ryanair Has Gone to Save Time & Boost Efficiency
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegMichael O’Leary, the CEO of Ryanair, is known worldwide for his various unconventional business tactics. He became the CFO of the Dublin-based airline in 1988, and while in that position, …
Flight attendants have a tough, TOUGH job. Their most important reason for being there is to tell us what to do and to keep us safe in the event of …
An Airline is Changing Its Crew Uniforms & People’s Heads Are Exploding
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegTimes change. Or sometimes certain big shots in a company are newer and want to “make their mark,” so they make some sort of change so they can say, “that’s …
Regardless of your job, there are undoubtedly little white lies you tell here and there. When I worked in retail in high school, I may or may not have told …
Every profession (well, I won’t say EVERY profession. NEARLY every profession) has its share of people who are, shall we say, not angels. You’ve undoubtedly heard about these people through …
When you hear stories about gate agents, let’s face it; they’re usually not good ones. They’re usually more along the lines of gate agents telling passengers their carry-on bag is …
Wi-Fi, as we know it, was released in 1997 and was available commercially by 1999 (that’s when Apple used it for their iBook series of laptops). Over the next (gulp) …
Have you ever considered the aircraft type you’ll be flying on when selecting an airline? Choosing between a Boeing 787 Dreamliner and an Airbus A350 for long-haul flights could significantly …
Over the years, we’ve taught our fellow travelers special codes they’re not necessarily supposed to know about: What all the letters and numbers on your boarding pass mean Travel emergency …