When most people fly, they typically have few problems. But sometimes, your foray into the airport is less than stellar. Here are the most frequent issues people face: Getting the …
airline policies
He Stored His Carry-On In a Bin Rows Ahead of His Seat. It Didn’t End Well
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWe’ve all seen people do it. They have a seat far in the back of the plane but store their 22x14x9 inch carry-on bag in an overhead compartment as close …
Less Familiar Reasons Why You May Be Ineligible For An Exit Row
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegFor most people, if you’re not sitting in first or business class, seats in the exit rows can be some of the most desirable ones on the plane. You don’t …
How Little It Could Take to Be Banned From American Airlines
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegI am 100% a rule follower and someone who respects authority. But even I’m scratching my head to see how little it seemed to take for American Airlines to put …
American Airlines Caused This Problem, But Their Fix Is Just As Bad
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegOver the past year or two, American Airlines really seems to be going downhill. Their IT glitches are ridiculous Trying to redeem one of their flight vouchers is an effort …
Are you tired of the extra fees that airlines charge for seat assignments? Airlines have increasingly turned to seat assignment fees to boost their revenue. Passengers must understand their rights …
No, This Loophole Won’t Outwit An Airline’s “No Name Change” Policy
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegNot long ago, we wrote a piece about the airlines that do and don’t allow you to transfer plane tickets to someone else. Of course, there are many more airlines …
The Airlines That Say A Pillow or Blanket Is Your One & Only Carry-On
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegTikTok is well known for its “travel hacks.” Some of them can be genuinely helpful and some of them, well, not so much. There are a bunch of videos on …
Although most children who fly do so with a parent or other guardian with them, sometimes that’s not a possibility. A child flying between parents who are divorced or separated …