It’s such a scourge that it even has a nickname that suggests an actual scourge: “Gate Lice.” You know what I mean. You might even have partaken (Or partook. Or …
airline travel
Man Attached Camera to Suitcase; Saw What Airport Does to Bags
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWhen most people fly, they probably don’t think about what happens to their checked bags. They drop them off at bag drop, they (hopefully) are reunited with them at the …
There’s something satisfying about finding the perfect travel bag—the one that fits everything you need, keeps you organized, and doesn’t slow you down. For years, I relied on my trusted …
Tips and Tricks
How To Avoid Being Forced To Gate Check Your Carry On (Maybe)
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWe all know that putting stuff in the overhead is the slowest part of getting everyone loaded into and settled onto the plane. On top of that, more and more …
The 3 Things Passengers Most Often Overlook On Their Boarding Passes
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegYou’ve been waiting for this trip for months. Things have been rough and you NEED this trip. And the day finally comes! So you get to the airport, check in …
No one likes pushy people, but no one likes it when status affects how someone treats others either. So when an entitled woman and a United 1K member have a …
Over the years, airlines have given passengers in economy class less and less legroom. Nowadays, except for the likes of Southwest (and even with them, not for much longer), if …
Once Again, Southwest Quietly Changed The Size of Allowable Bag Size
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegDon’t you just love when airlines tweak what their passengers are and aren’t allowed to bring, and don’t tell anyone? Alaska Airlines did it when they shrunk the allowable size …
Southwest Airlines Shares Some of Its Favorite Checked Items
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegSouthwest Airlines is in a state of flux right now. They’re about to break a 50-year tradition of open seating and begin assigning passenger seats. They plan to introduce premium …
5 Things Passengers Expect Flight Attendants to Do That Aren’t in Their Job Descriptions
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThe job of a flight attendant is complicated. They’re employed to perform a variety of tasks, including greeting passengers, demonstrating safety procedures, serving meals and drinks, and responding to passenger …