Signing up for credit cards is one of the best ways to build up your points and miles balances. But this isn’t the Wild West anymore. You just can’t sign…
I realize that it was only in 2018 when Barclays launched the short-lived Arrival Premier card. While the card offered 2 points per dollar on all spending with bonuses for…
Back in 2018, Barclays relaunched the Arrival+ card and offered a 70,000 point bonus to new members. The Arrival+ card was Barclays’ purest travel card available. You earned 2 “points”…
Credit Cards
I’ve Never Had To Do This When Paying With A Credit Card In The U.S. Before!
by joehegby joehegIf there’s one place where the United States has lagged the rest of the world, it’s in credit card security. While most of the world has moved on to wireless…
If you look to apply for the Barclays Arrival Plus card, here’s the page you’ll end up at. Fortunately, we applied for the card while it was still open to…
Weekly Recap
Reconsider Your Credit Card Reward Strategies, When You Refuse To Wear A Mask On The Plane, Know This Before Traveling To Alaska
by joehegby joehegHappy Sunday to all of our travel friends, both near and far. Here are some articles we’ve read from other bloggers (and other sources) that we think you may like,…
A simple way to tell how much value you’re getting for your points is to use Cents Per Point or CPP. The formula is simple. CPP = Cash Price of…
Credit Cards
How I Spread Out Our Credit Card Spending For The Last Six Months Of 2019
by joehegby joehegNow that 2019 is fading away in the rearview mirror like a distant memory, I’m going to write my last “looking back” post. While I love to write about the…
Credit CardsTravelTravel Tech
Credit Cards Are Adding Cell Phone Coverage But Benefits Aren’t All The Same
by joehegby joehegIt used to be that just one or two of my credit cards offered any type of coverage for cell phones. When phones were less expensive and U.S. mobile providers…
Credit CardsPoints & Miles
I Fell For The Barclays Survey Email About Their Arrival+ Card
by joehegby joehegIf there’s a bank that’s giving Citi a run for its money about not knowing where they want to take their credit card business, it’s Barclays. While they have co-brand…