Back in late 2020, we posted a list of all the airlines that had declared bankruptcy and had gone out of business that year. Of course, 2020 was the height…
When COVID began making its trek around the world in March 2020, it turned the travel industry on its ear. Airlines were particularly affected; I remember following this worldwide flight…
The Airlines We’ve Lost To COVID & The Ones We Still Could Lose
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWhen COVID became a worldwide pandemic, there were multiple pundits who predicted that many airlines would fail. During a regular year, it’s a given that a certain amount of airlines…
Weekly Recap
What We Won’t Do On YMMV, About Those Travel Subscriptions, How Bad Off The Airlines Are & More!
by joehegby joehegHappy Sunday to all of our travel friends, both near and far! What a year its been. Wait, all of these things have happened since last week? Last week I…
Over time, there have been plenty of airlines that have either merged with, or been taken over by others. People Express merged with Continental (which later got taken over by…