A while back we wrote a piece about 20 ways you can spot an American from a mile away. People seemed to appreciate it, so we did a follow up …
The Best & Worst Airports in Canada, According to Canadians
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegBecause we live in the United States and most of the social media we read is from that country, we learn a lot about the best and worst of travel …
For years, it was said that only 10% of Americans had a passport. That statistic used to be true a few decades ago, but it’s now increased quite a bit. …
The Dos & Don’ts Of Visiting Canada (As Advised By Canadians)
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegPeople have been visiting Canada for what seems like forever. And no wonder – it boasts cities like Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Montreal, on top of attractions such as Niagara …
Tourism is a huge moneymaker for lots of places. How huge? Well, according to USTravel.org, tourism in 2019 alone accounted for: $1.1 trillion in total domestic and international inbound traveler …
34 International Trusted Traveler Programs Americans Can Join
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegGlobal Entry is a great way for Americans to re-enter the United States and not have to stand on long lines. Part of the U.S. State Dep’t “Trusted Traveler” program, …
A while back we wrote about two Australian tourism ad campaigns; one for the country’s Northern Territory and one for South Australia. Both were decidedly adult, more than a little …
White Woman Was In Black Woman’s Seat; Airline Accused of Racism
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIt’s an unfortunate fact of life that bigotry is alive, well and growing at an alarming rate. In the United States, you hear about it all the time. Unfortunately, despite …
North American’s Only Ice Hotel Just Opened For The Season. It’s Beautiful!
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegBecause seeing the northern nights has been on my bucket list for years, Joe and I have considered staying at an igloo hotel where the aurora borealis might be seen. …
CLEAR is doing its best to be many things. It got its big break in the travel world, of course, as an alternate “skip the TSA queue” option in select …