If you have more than a few credit cards, as many of us who collect loyalty points do, it’s a good idea to evaluate why you’re keeping each one. By…
Chase Ink Preferred
Earning points on recurring charges, like your cell phone bill, is an easy way to build your balances without much effort. All you need to do is set up a…
Credit Cards
AMEX Adds Cell Phone Coverage To Premium Cards But I’m Still Paying My Bill With This Card
by joehegby joehegAmerican Express shook up the credit card world this week by adding cell phone protection to several premium personal and business credit cards. Here’s the list of the cards that…
Credit CardsPoints & Miles
What Credit Cards Are In Our Wallets? (September, 2018)
by joehegby joehegIt’s been almost a year since I’ve gone over which cards Sharon and I are carrying in our wallets. Since we each have a different approach to earning miles and…