If you have a sock drawer full of credit cards, you understand the struggle it can be to keep every card you have active. While a particular card may have…
Using your points to book an award ticket is the payoff for all the hard work you put in to earn those points. Redeeming JetBlue points for flights is relatively…
Chase just made some significant changes to its Southwest Rapid Rewards co-brand credit cards. The earning potential for the cards was increased by boosting the multipliers and adding new categories.…
Credit Cards
When To Keep, Downgrade Or Cancel A Credit Card That Has An Annual Fee
by joehegby joehegWhen you have a credit card with an annual fee, you should evaluate every year whether or not the benefits of keeping the card are greater than the cost. This…
Credit Cards
Chase Bank Cancelled All Of General Michael Flynn’s Credit Cards
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThere are a few reasons why a bank would cancel someone’s credit cards. They may think there’s fraudulent activity on your card(s), or you’ve reported as much to them (but…
As of this writing, over 50% of adults over age 18 in the United States are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. That’s a truly incredible number considering where we were just…
Going on an international trip is very exciting but it can also be very expensive. Using a credit card to pay for purchases when traveling internationally is often the best…
Starting on April 1st, Chase launched offers on several of its co-brand credit cards. We received offers for 5X points on our IHG, Marriott and World of Hyatt cards. I’ve…
The relationship between banks and their customers is a complicated one. The banks need customers to sign up and preferably use credit cards for them to make money. It makes…
Credit Cards
Choose Wisely: Chase Is Offering Bonus Miles To Co-Brand Cardholders
by joehegby joehegWe’re at a time when no news is surprising. When I saw a post that Chase was offering spending bonuses to co-brand cardholders, I couldn’t believe it was true. Doctor…