When it comes to saving money on hotel stays, several credit cards offer travel credits when booking through their respective travel portals. While these credits aren’t usually the reason to …
Citi Strata Premier
Navigating the travel points game as a couple requires a smart strategy, and we’ve fine-tuned ours by choosing the right mix of credit cards. Each card we hold offers specific …
The Citi Strata Premier Card is the mid-level entry in the Citi ThankYou family. It fits between the Citi Prestige (no longer available to new applicants) and the no-annual-fee Citi Rewards+ …
Credit Cards
Unveiling the New Citi Strata Premier: What’s Changed and What’s Improved
by joehegby joehegThe Citi Premier card was an often unappreciated travel rewards card. For a reasonable $95 annual fee, it provided a 3X multiplier for everyday expenses – mostly gas, groceries, and …