Just a little over a week ago, we posted that the CDC recommended getting a polio booster when visiting these 31 countries, due to an increased risk of catching the…
First COVID, Then Monkeypox, Now The Plague?! (a.k.a. Don’t Go Here Right Now)
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegPlague infected rodents in the Sierra Nevada Mountains was not on my 2021 apocalypse BINGO card. How about yours? I guess plain ol’ COVID wasn’t enough; we had to have…
There’s no weather event, corporate bankruptcy or airline crash that even comes to close to the disruption of global travel due to coronavirus, or COVID-19 to be scientifically correct. The…
Zika was THE thing you read about in terms of travel during the summer months of 2016. Spread primarily by Aedes mosquitoes that bit during the daytime, the symptoms of…