When it comes time to pay a credit card’s annual fee, it’s always worth reassessing the benefits to see if they still fit your lifestyle. A card that once seemed…
financial planning
Credit Cards
Why I’m Paranoid About Meeting An American Express Spending Requirement
by joehegby joehegWhen I’m considering signing up for a new card, there are several things I think about. How big is the signup bonus? Will I keep this card for the long…
I’ve been meaning to declutter my credit card collection for some time. I had been putting it off because I don’t enjoy dealing with banks, and my wife Sharon really…
Credit CardsTravel
If You Could Only Bring One Card With You For International Travel, Which One Would It Be?
by joehegby joehegWhen we travel outside of the U.S., I always make sure that we’re bringing the right credit cards with us. I have several boxes to check off to ensure we’re…