Research and studies suggest that happiness is one of the keys to living a longer life. And let’s face it; even if it wasn’t, most people would prefer to feel …
If you think about it, it’s kind of a big deal to get something named after you. You usually have to make a donation and, depending on how much you …
Points & MilesTravel
If She Wants A Unicorn, It’s My Job to Make It Happen (a.k.a. “Our” Travel Bucket List)
by joehegby joehegDisclaimer: I love my wife very much. So much so that I asked and was given her permission to write this post (Note from Sharon: Yes, dear). I find myself …
AirlinesPoints & Miles
Where Can We Go With United Miles When We Won’t Fly On United?
by joehegby joehegWe’ve made a choice to avoid flying on United Airlines. For our normal travels, it doesn’t cause much of a hardship as we don’t live at a United hub airport. …