When you’re on a plane and the flight is just ready to begin, you’ll see and hear a few things: the flight attendants close the doors of the plane the …
flight safety
FAFO: Another Airline is Suing Unruly Passengers, This Time for $90K
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThere’s a term in the English language called FAFO. It’s an acronym for “F**k Around & Find Out.” Although it’s been used more and more in the past couple of …
If you fly with any sort of regularity, chances are you’ve flown through some turbulence. Typically, the pilot will come on the PA system and announce they’re about to experience …
Have you ever seen the flight patterns of flights from Japan to the United States? They never go directly across the Pacific Ocean to get to, say, San Francisco. They …
Less Familiar Reasons Why You May Be Ineligible For An Exit Row
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegFor most people, if you’re not sitting in first or business class, seats in the exit rows can be some of the most desirable ones on the plane. You don’t …
Well, This jetBlue Safety Announcement Differed From the Norm
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegFor the most part, the safety announcements flight attendants make on the PA are pretty much the same, regardless of the airline. The FAA mandates a specific pre-take-off announcement, with …
Whenever I’ve boarded a flight and the door to the cockpit is open, I’ve admittedly been nosy and tried to pick up bits of what they’re saying. I never get …
Turbulence (or, as it’s been called by some airlines, “rough air”) has become more of an issue in recent years, resulting in more injuries: 4 people injured as ‘severe turbulence’ …