If you have kids, or if you’ve been a kid and have gone to a Disney park (or any theme park, to be honest), you know the anguish of not…
Disney, Universal & Other Theme Parks
Tips and Tricks
Samantha Brown’s Genius Hack For Preboarding With Kids/Babies
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegJoe and I don’t have children. We don’t even have nieces and nephews (an only child who married an only child; go figure!). So it’s rare that we pay a…
Parents, For Your Own Kids’ Innocence, More Supervision On Planes, Please!
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThere’s been a variety of debates about kids on planes for years. People with kids are, of course, are usually all about the ins and outs of having kids on…
Funny Stuff
4-Year-Old Loudly Calls Out Woman’s Inappropriate Behavior On Plane
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThere’s a certain time in a little kid’s life when they just tell it like it is. You know what I mean. They’re old enough to talk and to understand…
Funny Stuff
Aftermath Of Crying Girl Who Thought Mom Was Alien After Seeing Her Passport
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIf you have kids, or know kids, or even just remember back to when you were a kid, you know that, until a certain time, they’re naive and tend to…
Weekly Recap
New Use For Capital One Points, Why These Credit Cards Now Have More Denials, Disney’s Unique Position, & More!
by joehegby joehegHappy Sunday to all of our travel friends, both near and far. Here are some articles we’ve read from other bloggers (and other sources) that we think you may like,…
Weekly Recap
Similar American & Alaska Planes Feel Different, How WDW/DL Fool You, Countries You Can’t Enter If You’ve Had A DUI, How Hotels Plan Room Assignments, & More!
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegHappy Saturday friends, and hooray, it’s finally the weekend! Here’s a recap of what’s gone on at YMMV this week. From what we’ve written to what others wrote that we…
AirlinesFamily TravelTravel
Could Families Soon Automatically Be Seated Together On Planes, Even In Basic Economy?
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegSince the time of the advent of Basic Economy, there’s been story after story about families that have been split up on planes. We’re not talking about families like Joe…
AirlinesFamily Travel
What A Great Way To Keep Kids Entertained On A Plane!
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegTraveling with children, especially young children, on a plane can be a challenge even during the best of times. And if someone’s on a plane with their kid(s) and aren’t…
AirlinesAirportsCredit CardsTravel
About That 4th Night Free From Citi, Bad News About WiFi on American, Update on Kids Fly Free, & More!
by joehegby joehegHappy Sunday to all of our travel friends, both near and far! Here are some articles we’ve read from other bloggers (and other sources) that we think you may like,…