A while back, we wrote about things in the U.S. that boggle the minds of Europeans. Although the piece was written in fun, it covered a lot of things we …
While we’ve traveled to the United Kingdom several times, we’d never visited Wales. And while I knew Wales was part of the United Kingdom, or more officially, the United Kingdom …
10 English Words That Can Get You in Trouble in Other Languages
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegYou would think that, as a species, humans would have more things in common with each other. Take language, for example. We’ve got over 8 billion people currently living on …
When I was in grammar school, I was kind of a smart kid and was placed in a lot of “enrichment” classes. With that, I and my classmates were offered …
After my co-worker learned about my travel hobby/obsession/blog, he asked me where I’ve traveled. I rattled off a few places, such as Japan and Austria, and he replied that he’d …
Funny Stuff
My Taxi Adventure In Havana (I Thought I Spoke A Bit Of Spanish. Turns Out I Don’t)
by joehegby joehegIn 2016, Sharon and I visited Cuba. We used a private guided tour to plan our trip that, at the time, met all the requirements from the United States government. …
Weekly Recap
Bank Quietly Drops Major Credit Card Benefit, Stupid Mistake = Loss Of 1000s Of Miles, Beware Google Phone, That’s One Messed Up Hotel Room, & More
by joehegby joehegHappy Sunday to all of our travel friends, both near and far! Here are some articles we’ve read from other bloggers (and other sources) that we think you may like, …
AirlinesAirportsCredit CardsFood & BeverageFunny StuffHotelsPoints & MilesTravelTravel EquipmentTravel Tech
You Might Be A Travel Addict If…
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegOver 30 (Thirty? UGH!) years ago, comedian Jeff Foxworthy released a comedy album called, “You Might Be A Redneck If…” It peaked at #38 on Billboard. The album included a …
TravelTravel Tech
International Travel? This App Teaches Flirting In 4 Languages & Covers ALL The Bases, Including A Home Run ;-)
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegSo a new app came out not all that long ago. It’s called Sexy Lingo and, based on the name alone, it shouldn’t be surprising that it’s powered by, you …
Tips and TricksTravel
How To Learn A Language For Travel (Or Because Learning Klingon or High Valyriand Would Be Cool) FOR FREE!
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegJoe and I have traveled to several countries where English was not the native tongue. Joe took Latin in school so his ability to translate is limited, but I took …