If you have a premium credit card, you likely also have a Priority Pass card. This card gives you, and a limited number of travel companions, access to lounges that…
AirlinesAirportsNew York CityTravel
This Airport Lounge Is Closing At The End Of August
by joehegby joehegJohn F. Kennedy (JFK) Airport will be losing an airport lounge at the end of the August, just one week from now. The last day of operations for the Airspace…
AirlinesCredit CardsPoints & Miles
Don’t Forget To Bring This On Your Next Trip (Like I Did)
by joehegby joehegI’m usually good about remembering to bring things when I travel. Given, I still need to use a packing list but if that’s what I need to keep myself organized,…
I know that bragging about achieving status is one of the last things you’d expect to hear from me. I’m the one who goes on and on about how I’m…
Hi y’all and WOO HOO, it’s SATURDAY! Here’s a quick recap of our posts from the past week: Joe wrote about: What Priority Pass is and how you can get…
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