If you have more than a few credit cards, as many of us who collect loyalty points do, it’s a good idea to evaluate why you’re keeping each one. By…
loyalty points
When you’re at the airport as a customer, you’re at a significant disadvantage. If you need to purchase a charging cable because you lost yours at the TSA checkpoint, or…
Points & Miles
How To Maximize Loyalty Points for Unforgettable Travel Experiences
by joehegby joehegIn a world obsessed with material possessions, I’ve come to realize the most valuable things aren’t actually things at all. Instead, I prioritize collecting memories. Experiences, adventures, and moments hold…
While most hotel loyalty points do not expire, you need to have some type of qualifying account activity to keep them active. If you don’t, you’ll lose your points, and…
The point of joining airline or hotel loyalty programs is to earn loyalty points or miles you can redeem in the future for flights or hotel nights. That’s not the…
Plenty of websites out there will tempt you with their aspirational travel stories. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love to daydream about staying at an overwater bungalow in the…