When traveling, making sure your bags are no more than the maximum weight allowed is pretty important. If you’re over that 50-pound limit (well, 40 pounds for Frontier, Spirit and …
luggage tips
People are always looking for hacks to bring as much as possible when traveling, preferably without paying for it. We’ve gone through some of them in the past (Spoilers: some …
Tips and Tricks
5 Ways To Get Your Bags To Arrive First At Baggage Claim
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegMore often than not, the one thing you want to do more than anything else after your plane has landed is get to your destination. Unfortunately, unless you’re on a …
For years, when people would buy new luggage, many would get it in black. Sometimes it was the only choice, but for others, I dunno, I guess they didn’t want …
Trends have been around for eons. As social media becomes more popular, trends have turned into “challenges,” some of which are, let’s admit it, pretty stupid. “Rawdogging” was one of …