As many Americans know, when you’re traveling by plane in the United States, you’re required to follow the 3-1-1 rule: “you’re allowed to bring a quart-sized bag of liquids, aerosols, …
Going through the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) checkpoints in the U.S., especially if you don’t have Pre-Check or Global Entry (and really, if you live in the U.S. and don’t …
Weekly Recap
Why TSA Lines Are Getting Longer, WDW & Coronavirus, Why United Doesn’t Deserve Your Business, & More!
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegHappy Saturday friends, and hooray, it’s finally the weekend! Here’s a recap of what’s gone on at YMMV this week. From what we’ve written to what others wrote that we …
AirlinesAirportsCredit CardsFamily TravelHotelsPoints & MilesRental CarsTravelTravel Equipment
Delta Cards Offer w/ 75K Bonus Miles & No Lifetime Restriction, Easy Way To Double Points, Is This The End Of Overhead Space Issues?, & More!
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegHappy Wednesday to all of our travel friends, both near and far! Here are some articles we’ve read from other bloggers (and other sources) that we think you may like, …
TSA Overhauls Rule About Bringing Marijuana Onto Planes
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThe Transportation Security Administration (TSA) updated its policy on cannabis over the Memorial Day weekend, which will be a welcomed change to some.
Disney, Universal & Other Theme Parks
What To Do If You Forget Your Prescription Medications When Visiting Walt Disney World
by joehegby joehegWith so many things you need to remember when going on a trip to Disney World, it’s understandable if you leave something at home. If you forget your toothbrush, toothpaste …
There are some lucky souls who can sleep just about anywhere, including on planes. And then there are the rest of us. When you’re on a long haul flight, having …
Tips and Tricks
What Do You Do If You Forget Your Prescription Medications When Visiting Universal Orlando?
by joehegby joehegWith so many things you need to remember when going on a trip to Universal Orlando, it’s understandable if you leave something at home. If you forget your toothbrush, toothpaste …
Weekly Recap
When There’s No Cars At The Car Rental, Rules For Bringing Meds On A Plane, + More…
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegHappy Saturday, friends! Here’s a recap of what we posted this week: Joe wrote about: His and Sharon’s travels in 2017 (and why their loyalty isn’t worth anything). What to …
Hi everybody and WOO HOO, IT’S THE WEEKEND!! Here’s a quick recap of our posts this week: Joe wrote about: What medications you should bring when you travel Why having Global …