A first responder is a person with specialized training who is among the first to arrive and provide assistance at the scene of an emergency, such as an accident, natural…
Family Of Fallen Marine Says American Airlines Dropped The Ball
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWest Virginia native Zachary Riffle was so intent upon becoming a Marine that he purposely graduated from high school early, so he could enlist. Following boot camp, Pfc. Riffle had…
Weekly Recap
Don’t Lose Out On A Free Hyatt Night, How To Get Into National Parks For Free, United Airlines Making Fun Of Conspiracy Theorists
by joehegby joehegHappy Wednesday to all our travel friends, both near and far. Here are some articles we’ve read from other bloggers (and other sources) that we think you may like, so…
Weekly Recap
Get A Free Hotel Night (Even Without Status), Best Ways To Contact Airlines, Credit Cards, etc, Interested In A Black Card?, & More!
by joehegby joehegHappy Monday to all of our travel friends, both near and far! What a year it’s been again this week. I’ve tried to include some posts that are on the…
AirlinesCredit CardsGround Transportation (Bus, Lyft, Subway, Taxi, Train, Uber, etc.)HotelsPoints & MilesTips and TricksTravel
Easy Way To Get AMEX Annual Fees Waived, Craziest Resort Fee Ever, More Reasons To Avoid Ride Sharing, & More!
by joehegby joehegHappy Sunday to all of our travel friends, both near and far! Here are some articles we’ve read from other bloggers (and other sources) that we think you may like,…
Weekly Recap
Changes to Credit Card Programs, Star Wars Pop-Up Bars, & More…
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegFrom new military loyalty cards to a report about someone who stayed in a Japanese capsule hotel, here are some stories we saw this week that we thought were interesting.…