Everyone has stories about flight delays. Joe and I just had 2 flights delayed on our way to and from NYC. Of course, you have to be careful because some…
on time
A Small Bright Spot Thanks To COVID: More Flights Are On Time
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThere are a bajillion ways that coronavirus has messed with the world. Nearly 60 million people have contracted the illness and 2.5% of them (close to 1.5 million) have passed…
Flight Delays Were Increased In 2019. Here Are The Best/Worst Of All
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegAirlines based on the U.S. have been reporting on-time performance to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) since 1987. Each airline’s goal for each flight is to arrive within 14…
Which Airlines Have The Best On-Time Performance In The World? It Depends On Who You Ask
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWhen picking what flights we’re going to take, especially when tighter connections are involved, an airline’s history of on-time performance (OTP) comes into play. If a certain route only arrives…
I Wanted A Reliable Airline So I Booked With Frontier Instead Of American
by joehegby joehegThis is a headline that I never thought I’d write but here we are. I needed to choose a flight to get from Orlando to Austin. There used to be…
We’ve made our disdain (is disdain too harsh? OK, OK…our scorn) for Spirit Airlines (and its ilk of Frontier, Allegiant and the U.K.-based RyanAir) known on more than one occasion.…