We’ve all seen people do it. They have a seat far in the back of the plane but store their 22x14x9 inch carry-on bag in an overhead compartment as close …
passenger behavior
First There Was Rawdogging. Then Flying Naked. Now? Seat Squatting
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegEvery generation has its own slang. What was uncool in the 50s was grungy in the 60s, a bummer in the 70s, something that could barf you out in the …
No one likes pushy people, but no one likes it when status affects how someone treats others either. So when an entitled woman and a United 1K member have a …
Every profession (well, I won’t say EVERY profession. NEARLY every profession) has its share of people who are, shall we say, not angels. You’ve undoubtedly heard about these people through …
Some people have no idea of what a flight attendant’s job entails. You can sometimes tell when they don’t, because of the things some passengers ask flight attendants to do …
A while back, we wrote a piece about what flight attendants are really doing when they greet you on a plane. I won’t go into the details in this piece, but …
Funny Stuff
Plane Passenger Was Awful & This Guy Did What We All Dream Of
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThere are lots of unofficial rules when it comes to flying, not just for passengers but for airports and airlines, as well. Here are a bunch of them. One thing …