If you’ve ever been on a cruise, at a resort or even at a hotel, you know what it’s like. You get to the pool, beach, wherever, at a “comfortable”…
petty revenge
Passenger Slammed After Getting Revenge on Guy Who Stole His Leg Room
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegTravel friends, I have to be honest – a part of me loves a good story about petty revenge. No one getting hurt, no one psychologically scarred for life, none…
We all know that as time has gone on, some people in the world have attained a certain level of, shall we say, self-importance. Unfortunately, thinking highly of yourself sometimes…
Passenger’s Sneaky Revenge on Adult-Aged Seat Kicker Was *Chef’s Kiss*
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThe few times I flew with my mother, I discovered she was not the best passenger on earth. If there was a little kid behind her, kicking her seat, she’d…