Before you start earning miles and points from your credit cards, it’s really important to know what type of points you’re earning. There are several types of reward miles/points that …
Credit CardsNewbies (& those who don't travel often)Points & Miles
Discounts & SalesHotelsPoints & Miles
I Purchased 120,000 Holiday Inn (IHG) Points – Here’s Why…
by joehegby joehegFor me, the goal of the miles and points game is to get Sharon and I the best travel experience for the money we spend. So then why did I just go …
AirlinesCredit CardsPoints & MilesTips and Tricks
How We Haven’t Paid For A Flight On Southwest Airlines Since 2015
by joehegby joehegYou read the title correctly. We haven’t paid anything for a trip on Southwest Airlines, except for taxes and fees, since June of 2015. That’s 22 flight segments and 18,170 miles …
Credit CardsHotelsPoints & Miles
Why is everyone so excited about the Starwood American Express card right now?
by joehegby joehegNOTE: The offer mentioned in this post is no longer available. Click on the links in the article for the current available offers. I follow my fair share of websites …
We love traveling and TransAtlantic trips are extra special. Living on the east coast of the U.S., flights to European cities are not much longer than trips to the west …
HotelsPoints & Miles
My Rookie Mistake: The Tale of Two Hotel Stays in Fort Lauderdale
by joehegby joehegI made one of the most rookie mistakes on a recent hotel stay and I ended up paying for it, with cash. We needed a one night stay in Fort …
Points & Miles
Earn miles when buying those last minute roses for your valentine
by joehegby joehegThe shopping portals for the airlines seem to have figured out that most people procrastinate about ordering flowers for Valentine’s Day. You know it’s next Tuesday, right? If you are …
Points & Miles
Meet AwardWallet: The Website To Keep Your Miles And Points Organized
by joehegby joehegOne of the most helpful tools I’ve found to keep track of all my miles and points accounts is AwardWallet. With their website and apps for iPhone or Android, you’re able to …