Airports are generally not known for peace and quiet. Lounges used to offer some protection from the hustle and bustle, but with everyone and their brother getting lounge access, it’s…
Officials Who Closed Airport Chapel Will ‘Have To Give An Account To God’
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIt’s probably not on the list of amenities most passengers consider when thinking about airports, but many larger airports around the world offer one or more airport chapels. They’re there…
Update (& Plot Twist!): Jewish Singer Refused Service At German Westin
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegAntisemitism is allegedly alive and well in Leipzig. In a video posted on Instagram early last week, German musician Gil Ofarim said he tried to check in to the Hotel…
People who practice various religions around the world have their own ways of dealing with modern flight. Many large airports have chapels that are sometimes used by the devout before…