Years ago, ensuring you sat with your family on a flight was easy. You made a reservation, chose your seats, and you were done with it. Then airlines decided that …
It’s Now Easier To Go To Thailand & A Change In Entry To China
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThailand Thailand was one of the Asian countries to reopen relatively early after COVID. They started allowing visitors to Phuket last summer. However, when Omicron hit last winter, the country …
Ever since COVID began, nearly every person living in a developed country around the world has had their opinion of wearing a mask. Some, like those in several Asian countries, …
If there’s one thing Coronavirus has proven to the world, it’s that science and medicine are constantly changing. Obviously, those of us involved in science and medical fields (I retired …
When you go through the TSA security checkpoint, you know the drill – do this, do that, and don’t forget to remove everything from your pockets and put them into …
Unless you’re in business or first class, flying is not a super-duper lot of fun. And why should it be? I mean, you’re part of a coupla hundred people in …
Food & Beverage
The Restaurant That Allows Children, But Only Well Behaved Ones
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegSometimes adults want a nice, quiet dinner at a restaurant. There are many places that hopefully offer that, but as you start getting to your salad course, the two kids …
How To Avoid A Massive Fine When Visiting Canada After it Reopens
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThere are a whole lot of people who are chomping at the bit to go to Canada for non-essential travel when our border to the north finally re-opens on August …
New Rules In Greece & France May Give Unvaccinated Travelers Few Options
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegAfter 14 months of border closures, Greece opened its doors to international travelers – including those from the U.S., – on April 19th. Early on in the Mediterranean country’s reopening, …
The Unofficial Rules Of Sitting In The Middle Seat Of A Plane
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegInvariably, most of us are going to get stuck in a middle seat every once in a while. It could be because you got a Basic Economy ticket. Or you …