Some credit cards that have an annual fee try to make their product more palatable by offering reimbursement if you use their card for certain purchases. These can truly run…
travel perks
If you have a premium travel credit card (or several), knowing how to maximize your annual travel credits is key to offsetting those hefty annual fees. These credits, which often…
The Chase Sapphire Reserve (CSR) has long been a staple in my wallet. As the top-tier offering in Chase’s Ultimate Rewards (UR) program, it’s a luxury travel card designed for…
We’ve held Platinum Elite status for the past seven years with Marriott Bonvoy. It’s been a fantastic run, but as 2024 wraps up, we’ve decided this will be our final year…
There’s a dizzying array of travel-related credit cards on the market, and they generally fall into three main categories: Bank cards that earn points redeemable for travel Bank cards that…
Navigating the travel points game as a couple requires a smart strategy, and we’ve fine-tuned ours by choosing the right mix of credit cards. Each card we hold offers specific…
Credit Cards
Is the Wyndham Rewards Earner Business Card Still Worth It in 2025?
by joehegby joehegStarting February 1, 2025, Wyndham Rewards members who earn Diamond status through the Wyndham Rewards Earner Business card will no longer be able to match it to Caesars Rewards Diamond…