Packing for a trip? Oh, it’s not just about clothes and toiletries—trust me, I’ve got a list for everything. (Note from his wife, Sharon: OMG, is he a list writer!) …
travel tips
Hotel Revenge: Why You Should Never Be Obnoxious to Front Desk Clerks
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThere’s a general warning that you should never be too awful to restaurant servers, or shouldn’t send food back for it to be “fixed” too many times, because they could …
He Stored His Carry-On In a Bin Rows Ahead of His Seat. It Didn’t End Well
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWe’ve all seen people do it. They have a seat far in the back of the plane but store their 22x14x9 inch carry-on bag in an overhead compartment as close …
Funny Stuff
Crazy Reasons Why People Were Stopped & Searched By The TSA
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegGoing through the TSA security checkpoint generally should be an easy process. But, of course, that only happens if you know what the rules are and follow them. The “Can …
When traveling outside of your home country, figuring out how much things cost in relation to your currency can be difficult. You need to know the current conversion rate between …
Deciphering Your Boarding Pass: What Do All Those Letters & Numbers Mean?
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIf you look at your boarding pass, there are some things that are obvious. Your name. The date. The airline you’re using. Your departure and arrival information. Where you’re supposed …
Preparing for an airplane trip can be stressful. There are so many rules to follow when packing and now you’ve waited until the last minute and are scrambling around gathering …
Years ago, in-room hotel safes were opened and locked with a key. Of course, guests would sometimes lose their key. The solution to that was the front desk having either …
Regardless of your job, there are undoubtedly little white lies you tell here and there. When I worked in retail in high school, I may or may not have told …
If you fly with any sort of regularity, chances are you’ve flown through some turbulence. Typically, the pilot will come on the PA system and announce they’re about to experience …