It’s been a bad cold & flu season. Add RSV, Covid and a plethora of other viruses in there, and you see a whole lot of people getting sick this …
trip planning
Travel Equipment
My Experience With The World’s Lightest Carry On Bag
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWhen it comes to luggage allowances, U.S. airlines, despite all their problems, are better than a lot of airlines outside the country. With these few exceptions, your checked luggage for …
Do You Need A Travel Agent To Plan A Trip? (This Is Not Written By A Travel Agent)
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIf you travel a lot, planning your trip is probably a matter of old hat and might even be an exciting challenge for you (Fun Fact! If you look up …
Funny Stuff
100 of The Most Stupid Questions Ever Asked of Travel Agents
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegSome travelers like to use a “do it yourself” approach and book all their travel on their own. Others prefer to use a travel agent (TA). Either method is fine, …
Why We Booked A Iceland Tour Package, Was It Worth It & What’s Best For You?
by joehegby joehegFrom Day 1, Sharon and I have always felt that Your Mileage May Vary would describe the way we travel. We’re not going to change what we’d normally do or …
It’s hard not to be able to travel as I’d like. 2020 is a blur of canceled plans and places not visited. What has been even harder is not being …
Here we go again. It’s that time when I reach out to you, our readers, for suggestions. While we’ve visited London several times before, our trips have either been short …