When you have a dispute with a business over money owed, there’s a right way and a wrong way to handle the situation. If you’re talking about a hotel, the …
The Guy Who Traveled From The U.S. To The U.K. Without A Passport
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegEvery once in a while, you’ll hear horror stories about people who were ready to go overseas, but they couldn’t because something happened to their passport. Maybe it was lost …
34 International Trusted Traveler Programs Americans Can Join
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegGlobal Entry is a great way for Americans to re-enter the United States and not have to stand on long lines. Part of the U.S. State Dep’t “Trusted Traveler” program, …
A while back, I wrote a piece about 20 ways you can spot an American tourist from a mile away. It went into several ways that people from the U.S. …
Amsterdam has had a love-hate relationship with tourists for years. Like any tourist mecca, they love the money that tourists bring to their city. But Amsterdam is also a city …
When it comes to money, the U.S. is pretty boring. We’ve had the same coins for decades, with few visible changes, save for artwork. Our monochromatic paper money is even …
Food & Beverage
Why Are So Many Free Hotel Breakfasts Called “Continental?”
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWhen you choose which hotel you’re going to stay in for the night, there may be several deciding factors. It could be on your route, or it’s close to where …
Funny Stuff
Man Played Prank On Thousands Of London Gatwick Passengers
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegI’m always one to enjoy a good prank or trolling, as long as no one gets hurt in the process. So I was thrilled to see that a man in …
When you’re getting ready to go on a trip, you usually try to find out certain things about said city. For example, Joe and I are both of a geeky, …
A Europe-based real estate investment company has agreed to purchase 12 Hilton-branded hotels in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Henderson Park is a private equity real estate manager headquartered in …