According to White House executives, the United States is developing a “new system for international travel,” which include contact tracing and vaccine requirements. The system would go into effect when …
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is reportedly preparing to ease border restrictions for travelers who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. As per, the mayor of Canadian border cities …
While perusing the internet in recent months, I’ve seen a lot of posts that go the way of, “We’ve been living in [name of foreign country] and need to get …
There are some companies out there that just stink. You know the kind I mean…the very thought of them makes you roll your eyes and sigh a few times. Of …
With This Fix, Cruises To Alaska May Happen This Year, After All
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThe cruise industry in the U.S. is still at a standstill, although there’s hope that they could begin again sometime this summer. Well, cruises that go to the Caribbean, Mexico, …
Trudeau Suggests Border Reopening This Summer, Maybe With Proof of Vaccine
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThe border between the U.S. and Canada has been closed for nearly 14 months. Many North Americans from both countries are chomping at the bit to be able to visit …
Due to coronavirus, the border between the United States and Canada has been closed since March 21, 2020. Both governments strongly feel that it’s not safe for residents of either …
Did Threats Work? CDC Now Saying U.S. Cruises Could Start By Mid-Summer
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIn something of an about-face, the CDC is now saying they may ease or modify their conditional sailing order (CSO) to allow U.S.-based cruise ships to start sailing again as …
There isn’t an airline out there that some people don’t want to fly on, for some reason or another. For us, it’s United. Others can’t stand American. Looking over at …
The Top 5 Countries That Don’t Like The U.S. & The Top 5 That Do (Updated 2020)
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWhen it comes to views of other countries, politics, economics, world ideals, basic attitudes, what we’re “fed” by the media and those with power, etc., all play roles in how …