Southwest announced in 2022 that they would install in-seat power in their 737 fleet. Partnering with Astronics Advanced Electronic Systems, Southwest picked an EmPower solution with one big difference from…
AirportsHotelsTravelTravel Tech
How To Make Your Phone Charge Faster When Traveling
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegOne of the scariest “first world problems” of technology that can happen while you’re traveling is when your phone is about to lose power. I mean, think of all the…
AirlinesAirportsTips and TricksTravel
I Barely Avoided Making This Mistake When Booking An American Flight
by joehegby joehegWe haven’t had the best luck when flying with on American Airlines. On our only trip this year, we were proactively offered a bump voucher to take a later flight.…
AirportsHotelsTravel EquipmentTravel Tech
If You’re At An Airport Or Hotel, Be Wary Of Using These
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWe’ve written in the past to be aware of these when you’re looking for a way to power up your phone at an airport. Looks like we should all be…