Running since February 2000, TripAdvisor is well known for comparing prices from 200+ booking sites to help you find the lowest price on the right hotel for you. However, they…
vacation planning
Many credit cards offer access to a concierge. You might ask, “So what?” (I know that’s what my wife Sharon would say) (Note from Sharon: Yup!). Well, a concierge may…
The Most Important Thing to Do Before Your Vacation, to Help Ensure An Enjoyable Trip
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegOn the whole, vacations are important to people. It gives them a chance to get away from it all, relax, and not think about the stressors of daily life and…
Do You Need A Travel Agent To Plan A Trip? (This Is Not Written By A Travel Agent)
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIf you travel a lot, planning your trip is probably a matter of old hat and might even be an exciting challenge for you (Fun Fact! If you look up…
Points & Miles
I Forgot The Most Important Thing When Booking A Trip For A Couple
by joehegby joehegWhen it comes to travel planning, I do most of the work. Don’t misunderstand; Sharon’s fully capable of making plans for herself, as she proved when she flew to NC…