Your Mileage May Vary

HOORAY! The Newest Updates To The MyTSA App Makes It Actually USEFUL!

The MyTSA app has been around for about 8 years but it took a while for it to become, well, useful. But finally…FINALLY…it’s something you may want to consider downloading (if you hadn’t already), and actually start using. Here’s why:

It Gives Realistic Wait Times

Before the more recent updates, the MyTSA app used open crowd-sourcing to determine wait times at X-ray queues around the country. The problem was that the crowd sourced times were not in sync with what the TSA said its data reported, or, for that matter, the amount of money and increased staff the TSA had spent to lower wait times. Whether that was because the crowd-sourced information was continuously incorrect, or the TSA’s data was somehow flawed, or perhaps it was just an embarrassment (to the TSA) and frustrating (for the travelers) to have an app that said there were 45 minute waits at LAX’s check point when they were 100 minutes in reality, is something we’ll probably never know. But that was then.

This is now and, apparently, the problem is fixed and the wait times the TSA posts are supposedly accurate. Hooray!


But That’s Not All!

The TSA gets hundreds of thousands of calls and emails every year, mainly from people asking about security procedures, ID requirements or if an item is permitted on a plane. The MyTSA app also gives lots of helpful information that travelers might like to know, such as:

The MyTSA app is available to download for free from the app stores for iOS and Android phones.

***Feature photo created by Dragana_Gordic –

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary



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