6 Things You Shouldn’t Ask Hotel Staff

by SharonKurheg

Regardless of where you go, there’s an unwritten (although sometimes it’s indeed written) list of rules – things they should and shouldn’t do – people are expected to follow. Some of them are simple: Don’t yell “fire” in a movie theater. If you pick up and eat a banana while walking around the supermarket, pay for it.

The same thing goes for hotels. The things some people do (or not) and say can be annoying, inappropriate, and just plain unsafe. Do they not know better? Do they just not care? Who knows? But here are some things that are best you not say to hotel staff.

I wrote a complaint about your brand on Twitter Direct Message. Did you see it?

Because yes, the first thing you want any hotel staff to know is that you are a complainer ;-).

No, seriously – that is NOT the way to start on the right foot with any hotel, because the last thing you want to encounter is the front desk staff who (A) has the ability to move your room to the crappiest one they can give you and (B) could be passive-aggressive.

Besides, chances are excellent that they, in whatever city you’re in, have no idea what you wrote to the corporation’s social media person.

Chances are also good that whatever your complaint was, it was a one-off at your last stay and has nothing to do with this stay. Or if it’s a thing you’d like not to have this time (i.e., being next to a family with lots of young children who are loud and wake up earlier than you do), just mention politely that you’d like to avoid that situation, and please try not to put you next to a room with kids.

Otherwise, just let it go.

I don’t want to pay the resort fee (or for parking). Can we skip that?

Hahaha! Nope.

This post explains a bit more about resort fees and this one can help you find out how much your resort fee will cost.

If you don’t want to pay a resort fee, stay at a hotel that doesn’t charge one. Or know that if you’re paying with points, your resort fee will sometimes (depending on the brand) be waived.

It’s similar to when you have to pay for parking. Here’s why hotels often charge for parking, and what you can do about it.

But asking if the resort or parking fee can be waived “just because?” It isn’t going to work and will make you look cheap.

Can you upgrade me for free?

Well, I don’t know about getting something for free when the hotel purposely charges extra for that kind of perk. But this post about how to get a hotel upgrade almost 100% of the time might help.

I’d like to check in now/early. Or check out late. You told me no. Why can’t I?

When you rent a hotel room by the day, the room is, of course, not guaranteed for a full 24 hours on the day you arrive and the day you leave. It’s closer to 18 hours, usually from around 4 or 5 p.m. check-in time to about 10 or 11 a.m. check-out time.

There’s nothing wrong with asking for early check-in or late check-out. Depending on when we’ve arrived and our plans, we’ve sometimes asked and have sometimes gotten it, sometimes not.

But keep a few things in mind:

  • Nowadays, some hotels charge for early check-in or late check-out. If you’re willing to pay the fee, go for it.
  • The reason you may not be able to check in early (or check out late) is because of housekeeping’s schedule. Let’s say check-in is at 4 pm and you arrive at 9 am. There’s a possibility that, especially if a hotel is 100% full, the people currently in what will be your room haven’t even left yet!

So yeah, you can ask. But if they say no, don’t question why. Chances are good housekeeping just hasn’t gotten to your room yet.

I know you have a shuttle to take us to and from the airport. Can the driver drop us off at the mall on the way? It’s only 2 or 3 miles out of the way.

Hotel shuttles that bring passengers between the hotel and the airport are usually wonderful. They stop you from taking a taxi or rideshare or renting a car to get to your hotel.

However, hotel shuttles are usually on a set schedule, such as twice an hour on the half-hour, and a “quick stop” in-between could mess with that schedule. To say nothing of the fact that they’re simply not intended to go anywhere else.

If you want a ride to the mall or wherever, and you’re not in a hotel that offers complimentary (or paid) rides throughout the city, get an Uber.

I just love the hand lotion you leave in the rooms. I’m going to take a few off the housekeeping cart, OK?

Um, no. Not OK.

From a safety point of view, those housekeeping carts may have been sanitized and are not supposed to be touched by anyone unless they’re wearing gloves.

But from a time and money point of view, housekeepers are often on a tight schedule and might only have as many lotions, for example, as they’ll need for the number of rooms they’re cleaning that shift.

If you love their lotion that much, leave a note for housekeeping and ask if they can spare a few extra for you (and don’t forget to leave a little more in your daily tip for this service!).

Remember your manners. Don’t just take. Ask first.

Feature Photo (cropped): Upsontedmuilo / Wikimedia / CC BY-SA-3.0

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary


Christian May 4, 2024 - 3:34 pm

I’d add “Is there a limit to the number of hookers I can have in the room at one time?” just to watch them spit out their coffee.

SharonKurheg May 4, 2024 - 3:53 pm

Or, in my case, my black razzberry La Croix… 😉


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