Your Mileage May Vary

I Thought I Had Seen The Dumbest Luggage Ever. This Is Worse

A while back I posted a piece about what I thought may have been the most stupid piece of luggage ever.

I was wrong. I found one that’s even more stupid.


a blue suitcase with handleAt first glance, the bag actually looks pretty cool. It’s made for little kids to ride on, similar to Trunki Ride, JetKids, or even that carry on bag that doubled as a baby stroller. Not as high tech as the motorized bag that drunk woman rode on to evade the airport cops a couple of years ago, but we’re talking about a basic way for little kids to get a ride in the airport, on their way to or from the plane.

Which is exactly where the problem lies.

Trunki, JetKids and the other bags I mentioned are all the size of a carry on bag, or some of them even whatever size can fit under your seat (here’s the list, and my bad; it was last updated a year and a half ago. Gotta get on that…). But these things? You have a choice of 20″ or 24″

Remember, the limit for most airlines’ carry on bags are roughly 22″ x 14″ x 9″. There’s NO WAY these bags – not even the 19.6″ x 19.6″ x 9.8″ – is going to fit in the carry on sizer.

So technically you’d bring one of these ride-on suitcases and have to check it as soon as you got to the airport. Or at worst gate check it (although at nearly 20″, how does it even fit into the scanner at the TSA checkpoint???).

But of course, entitled people would insist they not gate check it, because then they won’t get it back until it’s on the luggage carousel after they’ve landed. They’d want to bring it onto the plane and put it into the overhead, so their darling little Jamie can ride it again as soon as they disembark from the plane. And then you’re talking about a Tetris-like monstrosity in the overhead that’s taking up more room than a typical bag. In fact, I found a discussion about these things in one of the travel groups I frequent and a handful of flight attendants chimed in and said they hate them. So yeah, that’s exactly what people are doing.

Of course, there are plenty of people who think the rules aren’t made for them, and they bring carry on bags that are way larger than 14″ x 22″ x 9″, as it is. These babies will just add to the mess. And then the poor shlubs who board last have to gate check their bags.

There are a few companies on Amazon that this style of luggage. They range from less than $100 to over $200, and the reviews (the ones that sound legit, anyway) vary about as much:

In conclusion

So yeah, I think this may win for “stupidest luggage ever.” What do you think?

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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