Capital One Café: A Unique Banking & Coffee Experience at Mall of America

by joeheg

Capital One Cafés are a new type of banking experience that combine a coffee shop with a community space and financial services. The cafés offer free Wi-Fi, charging stations, and comfortable seating, which makes them a great place to work, relax, or meet up with friends. Capital One Cafés also have ATMs and Ambassadors who can answer questions about Capital One accounts and help customers with their banking needs.

Capital One Cafés are located in major cities across the United States, and they are open to everyone, regardless of whether or not they are a Capital One customer. The cafés are designed to be a welcoming and inclusive space where people can come to enjoy coffee, work, and potentially learn about financial well-being.

a group of people walking in a building

After seeing a concert the evening before at the Xcel Center in St. Paul, we decided to spend the following afternoon walking around the Mall of America in Bloomington, MN. It had been a long while since our last visit, and we wanted to see how the place had changed.

After a while, we grew tired of walking and were also a bit hungry. That’s when we happened to pass the Capital One Café. There are currently only around 50 locations, all in major US cities, so I was surprised to see a café when walking around the Mall of America in Bloomington, MN. This is the only Capital One Café in Minnesota and the only one for over 1000 miles.

The Capital One Café is a unique place as you do not have to be a customer of the bank to visit. However, if you are a Capital One Customer, you do get a 50% discount on handcrafted coffee drinks.

The Capital One Café’s have recently changed brands from Peet’s Coffee to Verve so I figured we could check out the new menu while resting our feet.

people standing in front of a glass display case

I ordered an iced coffee while Sharon tried one of their iced teas. We were also hungry, so I ordered a blueberry scone while Sharon had a Croque Monsieur sandwich.

a food box and a bag

Signs around the area reminded visitors that they could save 50% on drinks if they were Capital One customers.

a sign on a metal pole

I paid for our order with my Venture X card, which immediately saved us 50% on our drinks. The food items were usual mall prices so we still paid a fair amount for our snack at the café.

In all, the space was more of a coffee shop than a bank. While there were ATMs and bank associates present, it didn’t feel like there was any pressure to sign up for a credit card or banking account. While the opportunity was there, it was zero pressure.

a room with shelves and tables

In fact, the Capital One Cafe was more laid back than the Starbucks Coffee and Caribou Coffee locations at Mall of America. While both of those establishments were packed, the Capital One Cafe was relatively empty. I’m sure that’s because people think it’s only a bank or that you need to be a customer to enter.

Instead, the Capital One Café is open to everyone, and the Verve Coffee served is admittedly better than what we’d usually get at Starbucks. In fact, we debated getting a second drink to carry around the mall before leaving the café.

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