Plane Passenger Was Awful & This Guy Did What We All Dream Of

by SharonKurheg

There are lots of unofficial rules when it comes to flying, not just for passengers but for airports and airlines, as well. Here are a bunch of them.

One thing we didn’t include on that list is the issue of taking your shoes and socks off on a plane. That was on purpose. If you’re on a particularly long flight or are going to sleep on the plane, then sure, you might want to get yourself as comfortable as possible. That being said, your bare feet (or even sock-laden feet) should never, ever impinge on anyone else.

This brings us to our story.


Someone on a flight – we don’t know when, what airline, etc. –  put their bare feet on the armrest in front of them. The passenger whose armrest their foot was on decided that he “had to do something.” And he did. And he even videotaped it.


Had to do something 🥴 #airplane #travel #situation #viral #foryou

♬ Into The Thick Of It! – The Backyardigans

Most of the responses to the video were positive, although there was a handful who, of course, suggested the video was staged.

Say what you want about it being staged vs. not, and what constitutes an (in)appropriate response to inappropriate behavior. But as far as I’m concerned, this man is the hero to those of us who have always wanted to do something like it but have never had the nerve to do so.

Just as long as it didn’t cause a fistfight to erupt on the plane…

Feature Photo: imgur / Rune

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary


Gene June 1, 2024 - 11:13 pm

Eww! So gross.

Roger Campana June 2, 2024 - 2:23 pm

That sort of thing is what drove me to fly in First evermore.


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