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The One Credit Card You Should Always Have With You When You Fly

a pile of credit cards

When most people fly, they typically have few problems. But sometimes, your foray into the airport is less than stellar. Here are the most frequent issues people face:

There’s one more issue that select passengers wind up getting – they’re asked, usually at check in, to show the credit card they used to make their flight reservation. Oh, and even worse, if you can’t show the credit card, there’s a good chance they will deny you boarding for your flight…and you might not get a refund, to boot.

Can they really do that?

They can and do. All the time. It’s the airlines’ way to prevent fraud.

Essentially, if you didn’t have the credit card you made the reservation with with you, it’s possible you were using a stolen credit card or credit card number. Here’s a common scenario:

I came to the airport to check in, the airline asked for the credit card, I didn’t have it — they denied me boarding, I had to buy a new ticket on another carrier!

This issue tends to arise when:

What else do you need to know?

Can I avoid this?

Possibly, maybe, to an extent.

First and foremost, if you made the reservation for yourself, have the credit card with you. Otherwise:

And if you think “this can’t happen to me,” apparently airlines disagree. I mean, if it can happen to a celebrity, they can do it to you, too.

Final Thoughts: Be Prepared!

But again, THE BEST WAY to avoid this hassle is to only make reservations for yourself (and, of course, people with you) and ALWAYS BRING YOUR CREDIT CARD TO THE AIRPORT. Just in case.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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