Maximizing Transfers to JetBlue TrueBlue: Which Points Should You Use?

by joeheg

One of the biggest advantages of collecting transferrable points is flexibility—you can transfer them to different programs when needed. Imagine you’re eyeing a last-minute JetBlue flight for a weekend getaway, but your account is just shy of the points needed. Instead of scrambling for alternatives, you simply move points from your Citi or Chase account, locking in the flight before prices rise. This kind of flexibility can make all the difference when booking award travel.

But when an airline partners with multiple banks, you gain another level of flexibility: choosing which points to transfer for the best value.

That’s the case with JetBlue, which is a transfer partner for several transferrable rewards programs. But which points should you transfer to JetBlue TrueBlue for the best value?

a jet plane on the runway

Understanding JetBlue TrueBlue

JetBlue’s loyalty program, TrueBlue, operates as a modified fixed-value program. This means the number of points needed for an award ticket is closely tied to the cash price of the flight.

I generally value JetBlue points at 1.2 cents each, which is better than the 1 cent per point you’d get when redeeming through most bank travel portals. So, if you’re considering using your points for a JetBlue ticket, transferring to TrueBlue is typically a better option than booking through a travel portal.

JetBlue Transfer Partners Breakdown

American Express Membership Rewards

Capital One Miles

  • Transfer Ratio: 5:3 (1,000 Capital One Miles = 600 TrueBlue points)
  • Downside: This is one of the worst transfer ratios available.
  • Verdict: Only worth considering if you need to top off your account for an award.

Chase Ultimate Rewards

  • Transfer Ratio: 1:1
  • Upside: No additional fees like AMEX.
  • Downside: Chase has other transfer partners with higher value potential (e.g., Aeroplan, Hyatt).
  • Verdict: Good option, but Chase points can often be used more effectively elsewhere.

Citi ThankYou Points

  • Transfer Ratio: 1:1
  • Upside: Citi has fewer high-value transfer partners compared to Chase.
  • Bonus: If you hold a Citi Rewards+ card, you get 10% of your transferred points back (up to 10,000 points per year).
  • Verdict: Best option. I don’t feel like I’m giving up much by using Citi points for JetBlue.

Other Considerations

  • Transfer Time: For this example, all banks transfer to JetBlue almost instantly. However, some programs and banks take hours or even days, which could mean missing out on a limited award seat.
  • Your Point Balances: If you have a large balance of one type of point that you don’t have another immediate use for, it may make sense to use them, even if they’re not the optimal value.

Final Thoughts

When transferring to JetBlue TrueBlue, Citi ThankYou points are my first choice, especially with the 10% rebate. Chase Ultimate Rewards come next. If I only had AMEX or Capital One points, I’d likely book a cash ticket or use a bank’s travel portal instead.

But as always, Your Mileage May Vary—the best choice depends on your own points balances, travel goals, and transfer needs.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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