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The One Rule For Carry-On Bags That Travelers Overlook

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When people are getting ready to fly and plan to bring carry-on luggage with them, they usually keep a few things in their heads:

But there’s one airline rule that many people overlook—the weight of their carry-on bag.

True, nearly all U.S.-based airlines charge a fee for checked bags up to 50 pounds and an overage fee for bags between 50 and 100 pounds. However, most (but not all) U.S. airlines don’t have a weight limit for a carry-on bag. As long as your bag is under their regular 14x22x8 (or whatever. Some are more, some less), it can weigh a literal ton, and there’s nothing in the rules that say there’s something wrong with that (Note: Don’t bring a carry-on that actually weighs a ton—overhead compartments aren’t THAT strong!).

Heads up, though—two U.S.-based airlines do have limits on how heavy each passenger’s carry-on bag can be:

That being said, we flew on Hawaiian from Honolulu to Orlando in February 2022 (several months before they said they were ending that service). The plane was an Airbus A330-200, we flew Economy, and no one said a thing about, or weighed our carry-on bags. So it could be a ‘Your Mileage May Vary’ situation.

Of course, outside the U.S., it’s a whole different ballgame, where you frequently encounter weight limits for carry-on bags.  In other parts of the world, your carry-on bag may be limited to as much as 51 pounds (British Airways) all the way down to 11 pounds (Air China, Air Tahiti and Helvetic, among others).

I remember when we went to Australia, we used JetStar to get between several different parts of the country (it was a tour package). Our carry-on and personal bags were limited to 7 kg (15.43 pounds) total. Nowadays, you can get a package (only on select routes) to double that to 30 kg. We didn’t have that option in 2014). I don’t even remember how I managed that, to be honest. But if it were to happen today, I would have my lightest carry-on bag in the world to help me get through. ;-).

Carry-on allowances will vary with what kind of ticket you have, where you’re flying to/from, etc. And if you have a credit card that may get you a free checked bag, that could affect how you pack, so your carry-on bag could be lighter. As always, check with your carrier for your flight(s) specifics.

But again, most of the time there are no carry-on weight limits for domestic U.S. flights. But if you happen to be flying on Frontier or Hawaiian, heads up that a weight limit for your carry-on bag could be in effect.

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary

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