If you have more than a few credit cards, as many of us who collect loyalty points do, it’s a good idea to evaluate why you’re keeping each one. By…
Credit Cards
Every once in a while, I’ll see a post about a credit card from an airline outside the United States. The card is from a bank in the U.S. and…
Credit Cards
How to Still Use AMEX on eBay After They Drop the Card This Saturday
by joehegby joehegIf you have an American Express card, you may have experienced occasions when a business wouldn’t accept it. This could happen when you try to pay and your card doesn’t…
The IHG Rewards Premier credit card from Chase is great to hang on to for the long term. If you’re eligible to get one under Chase’s 5/24 rule, I think…
Credit Cards
Why I’m Keeping My Delta SkyMiles Gold Business American Express Card
by joehegby joehegI recently had to pay the $150 annual fee for my Delta SkyMiles Gold Business American Express card. Here’s why I gladly paid the fee for another year. Honestly, I…
Capital One’s Venture and Spark cardholders have the flexibility to transfer their points to one of Capital One’s 18 travel partners. However, when reviewing the list of partners, it’s important…
Virgin Red is uniquely positioned as a loyalty program. Unlike other programs that cater to specific segments of the travel market, Virgin Red offers an integrated loyalty scheme encompassing flights,…
Credit Cards
8 Commonly Heard Questions About Chase’s 5/24 Rule For New Card Applications
by joehegby joehegIt used to be easy to sign up for travel cards. When you hear stories from just a few years ago, they seem unbelievable today. That’s because the banks figured…
Credit Cards
Jump the Queue: Get Early Access to the Virgin Red Rewards Mastercard
by joehegby joehegThe Virgin Brand, conceived by Sir Richard Branson, is undeniably one of the most well-developed “lifestyle” brands globally. Whether it’s an airline, hotel, cruise line, or space travel, you know…
For the ultimate Disney fan, the only credit card they care about is the Disney Visa card from Chase. While I keep the no-annual-fee version of the card for the…