Over the weekend, we posted a piece about how airports are specifically designed to trick you into buying more. One email we got in response to the piece, from a …
airport design
The Secrets of Design: How Airports Trick You So You’ll Buy More
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegUnless you’re in “the business,” you probably don’t put much thought into why certain places are designed the way they are. Restaurant logos use a lot of red, orange, and …
Imagine arriving at an airport for the first time and finding no signage to guide you. Even the most seasoned traveler would probably struggle, at least a little bit, to …
Frequent travelers spend a lot of time at airports. You might have ways to make that time productive by having lounge access or knowing the best “hidden” places to find …
Carpet in Airports is Annoying; Here’s Why They Have it Anyway
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIn just about any airport in the world, you’re going to come across it. You’re rolling your luggage across the airport floor with no issue, and suddenly, BOOM! You have …