As technology has advanced, so has the ability for flights to become longer and longer. For some of the longest long haul flights, depending on weather, climate conditions and airport…
If you’ve ever been on a plane, you’ve experienced this. As the plane takes off or lands, they dim the lights. But you may have also noticed that sometimes they…
Cabin Crew Sell Naughty Photos Of Themselves To Make Extra Cash
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegEverybody’s got a hustle. When the pandemic started, airlines worldwide had to furlough, if not lay off thousands upon thousands of cabin crew members since travel has slowed due to…
The first time I ever went on a plane, my parents gave me a stick of gum to chew on, to help with any potential ear pain from the pressure…
When You Want To Stay In Nature, Don’t Complain When Nature Wants To Say Hello
by joehegby joehegDon’t complain when you get what you asked for. The whole point of picking a remote cabin in the north Georgia mountains as the location for our socially distanced vacation…
It was in June or July when the thought of going on a real vacation started to go through our heads. There were several things we needed to consider, many…
Southwest Ending Some Of Its Cabin Disinfection Between Flights
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegSouthwest Airlines will keep its planes super clean and disinfected for you, but not if it’s taking up too much time. Effective August 1, Southwest has decreased how much they…
Ground Transportation (Bus, Lyft, Subway, Taxi, Train, Uber, etc.)HotelsTravel
Fall Asleep In One City & Wake Up In Another, In A Moving Hotel (Take 2)
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIn 2016, some entrepreneurs solved the problem of finding reasonably cheap travel between Santa Monica and San Francisco. They got a double decker bus, redesigned it with 22 sleep pods,…
Ground Transportation (Bus, Lyft, Subway, Taxi, Train, Uber, etc.)HotelsTravel
Fall Asleep In One City & Wake Up In Another, In A Moving Hotel!
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIn 2016, some entrepreneurs solved the problem of finding reasonably cheap travel between Los Angeles and San Francisco. They got a double decker bus, redesigned it with 23 sleep pods,…