Some credit cards that have an annual fee try to make their product more palatable by offering reimbursement if you use their card for certain purchases. These can truly run…
A while back, we asked if CLEAR had jumped the shark. With their latest announcement, the answer seems to be a resounding “no.” CLEAR has announced that, beginning in 2025,…
Sharon and I were initially hesitant about getting CLEAR. We didn’t think it was worth the cost for the airports we typically flew through. We found that TSA Precheck was…
Most of the people who pay for CLEAR, or who get it for free from a credit card or by having top-tier airline status, mainly use it to get through…
It’s no secret that CLEAR has been going through some things over the past year. Incidents of people getting through security via the CLEAR lanes without having a valid picture…
I guess CLEAR hasn’t jumped the shark at airports just yet. They are hustlin’. And if you thought the TSA and CLEAR were buddying up before, you ain’t seen nothin’…
As I was perusing the internets the other day, I found a discussion on Reddit that brought up something I had been thinking about, albeit in a different context, for…
Clear is a service that’s available at many airports in the United States. It’s a way to bypass the long lines that you typically have to wait in to show…
Clear Secure, Inc. is an American technology company that operates biometric travel document verification systems at some major airports and stadiums. Its most popular concept is used at airports. With…
CLEAR has faced a number of challenges in recent months, particularly when it’s come to data security and scrutiny by the TSA and Congress. Several incidents of people getting through…